The One Behavior All Comedians Have To Master

Comedians are admired throughout history and culture. It is often thought that manifesting your deepening insecurity and self-deprecation are powerful indicators of mental illness, but with a stage, a microphone and a little encouragement, this can turn into comedy. We know that stand up comedians are a professional group of people with unique behaviors. Unlike other creative artists, comedians invent and perform their own work, and get their audience feedback in an instant.  

In order to get better, deal with every changing material and crowds a comedian must have discipline. The best comedians are masters of discipline. Once a comedian can be disciplined in taking time to be creative, to write, to be entrepreneurial, and to practice material consistently they will master stand up. 

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Stand up comedy is a challenging and competitive job that takes years, and requires you to travel from one city to another in a situation of relative poverty, insignificance, and self-doubt. Successful professional comedians hold special characteristics that help them in the long-run. As we may agree that many people try to pursue this line as a profession, but only a few manage to get along with it.

Stand up comedy has grown in size and urbanity throughout the 21st century and has become a popular form of entertainment in the past 50 years. It now represents the most competitive, popular, high-risk and high-paid form of different human characteristics, namely the ability to verbal humor behavior. Psychologists have been engaging in different studies to learn and study the behaviors and traits a comedian possesses. Since stand up comedians are becoming increasingly popular in both media and comedy clubs, people have started giving them special treatment and are enthralled by their work. 

The scientific study of humor has greatly benefited from the study of stand up comedians, not only because they are popular, but also because they can reveal certain aspects of humor behavior and appreciation, that can be highly applied and ritualized. Stand up comedy performances cannot reflect the emergence of a more typical informal situation of our surroundings, but it has some important aspects of humor that can help to emphasize them. 

Three Traits of Thriving Comedian

We often hear the benefits of practicing behaviors that will not only boost our image overnight but also help us in creating interesting content for our audience. But that was before, now it’s time for the comedy itself to enhance admirable traits in your personality that will always put a spotlight on you. We pondered on the idea of what these behaviors are, that can win people’s hearts and realized something. Strangely, many of these traits that make comedians successful are exactly the same as those that make any businessman admirable. 

Comedy and Creativity

Comedy is uniquely linked with creativity. Comedy is all about observing the world. Comedy is a great practice of creativity, logic, timing, and perspective. Think about it as talking to someone in daily life, to be interesting and humorous in a conversation, you need to understand the context, change the perspective, bounce on logic and convey the joke when the time is appropriate. If any of them went wrong, you run the risk of losing influence or not surprisingly considered a humorless human. 

This is not an easy task, it’s as precise as science and as decomposed as art. Comedy and creativity start at the same time, but at some point, they turn to a different way. Everyone has their own vision of creativity, but ultimately creativity is a matter of opinion. All of us have a different definition of it, but the conclusion is that creativity is not only a talent but also requires a lot of effort to hone and improve it. For this reason, it’s a matter of choice to develop and use creativity in your work. 

So, if you want to be a creative thinker, the first thing you have to do is take a deep breath, jump aside from common sense and enjoy the fresh air of a new perspective. Everyone should try to express creativity in a passionate field, like comedy. Comedy helps keep your brain creative. We must exercise it every day because it’s pure bliss to spend time improving your creativity. Be it a private show or a stand up show in front of a hundred faces, always turn things around to shape new ideas. This wonderful imagination should not be maintained as a lonely journey. Believe in the creativity of your mind and try to create ideas by adding a little bit of humor to it.

Expressive and Enterprising 

One of the main reasons that we can easily relate and understand comedians is also one of the main factors that makes them successful. They have a way with words, be it any daily things, trivial things, serious matters, world-shattering things, any sort of things – they constantly make us think about things we never thought about before.

For this reason, a comedian’s mind is a set of expressive thinking that adds a very special and attractive behavior to them, the way they view life, and a way to respond to what is happening around them, so they can always take advantage of comedy lurking in those aspects. This means that there is always an infinite possibility of material wealth because what is at the root of everyone is individual to them and can change significantly even from time to time. 

Therefore, comedy never stops. You cannot say that you have heard all the humor that a universe has to offer. Thus, great ideas and basic themes are familiar and timeless, but comedy can stay fresh, new and different. This is a common feature of being expressive and enterprising. Besides it’s not weird or unrealistic, it usually appears in a more positive light and is always original, creative and distinctive.

Practice and Performance

We have learned the importance of practice and performing humor from sketch comedies. The roles of SNL, Key & Peele, and Monty Python are very interesting because the actors are committed to the role and trust their delivery. They spend a lot of time practicing skills, learning new techniques, rewriting new projects, and developing interesting content. The most successful business owners we know have the same professional ethics rules. As soon as you lack in practicing your work, your rival will dive in and suddenly make you insignificant.

How do you build enough confidence in what you deliver? Through practice and repetition. The more you practice, perform and repeat, the more laughs you can get from the room. A good comedian thinks nothing can improve humor skills beyond stage performance, and practicing those skills every day. Performing is the crucial thing in comedy. Firstly, this is a great way to practice, and secondly, you have no idea what audience you’re going to have that night, and how your jokes will actually work. Even the best comedians in the world need to test their performances in front of viewers to see what makes people laugh. 

While all of these seem like different behaviors they are actually one behavior that successful comedians have mastered to overcome writer’s block, laziness, and bouts of “inspiration”. discipline is the one behavior that separates successful comedians from unsuccessful ones. 

Unlike actors and musicians, comedians have no associations to support and protect them, professional education systems to train them, and highly broadcast awards (like Oscars and Grammys) to appreciate their work. They spend most of their career years traveling from one comedy club to another all year round and develop their own advertising, appointments, reputation, and career with sheer dedication. This is why discipline is the one behavior comedians must master to be successful.

James D. Creviston

James D. Creviston is a writer, blogger, comedian, and podcaster in Los Angeles. He is the producer of the wildly popular Clean Comedy Hour stand up show, as well as the co-host of The Clean Comedy Podcast. James has been doing stand up for the last three years and has performed in LA and NY at some of the hottest clubs. James is a former veteran of the United States Navy as well as a graduate of the University of Las Vegas, Nevada. He is an avid comic book, television, and movie nerd. James can be seen performing his clean comedy all over the United States and heard giving advice on his weekly podcast The Clean Comedy Podcast.

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